About the software

CollaLex SaaS is collaborative, browser-based, customizable dictionary software.

What exactly is CollaLex SaaS?

The CollaLex SaaS is designed to enable language documentation projects (LDPs) to allow any number of users — from anywhere in the world — to collaborate on the creation of their dictionaries, avoiding all of the headaches and heartaches of traditional desktop software.

You can see it all in the name...

CollaLex is a portmanteau of collaborative lexicography. It is based on the principles of community-based research, where linguists and community members join forces and efforts to compile their dictionaries. For a further description, check out What does it mean to be collaborative?.

SaaS is the acronym for Software as a Service. As Brian Turner at TechRadar describes it, it is "a cloud-based service where instead of downloading software [to] your desktop PC or business network to run and update, you instead access an application via an internet browser." This is what we mean when we say that our SaaS is "browser-based". For a list of the advantages of being browser-based, see Brian Turner's article above, or check out What are the advantages of being browser-based?.

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